
If You Make Contact Now, You Will Likely Blow Any Chance of Getting Your Ex Back - Find Out Why!

You might be getting told by your friends and family that you should make contact with your ex as soon as possible if you want to get your ex back. Please don't listen to them - this is honestly the worst advice that you can get right now, and you would be really stupid to follow it.

The last time that you and your ex were in contact was really ugly, wasn't it? You were having a really awful argument, and had absolutely nothing nice to say about each other. When you parted company, you swore that you were never going to talk to your ex again. You were absolutely furious with him/her, and were so happy to end the argument abruptly by walking out. At that time, there wasn't the remotest thought in your mind to try and get your ex back.

You just couldn't stand it anymore! You were shaking from head to toe you were so angry and upset, and loving your ex was the very last thing on your mind. This happened how many days ago? Isn't it true that you are just as angry with your ex right now as you were when you walked out? There is still probably nothing nice that you want to say to your ex yet, is there?

Well, the same applies to your ex. He/she is also really fed-up with you, and is still hurting by the things that you said to him/her. Also, you probably wouldn't like to hear what your ex has to say to you yet, so soon after the break up.

This is the very reason why you are being advised to NOT make any contact with your ex just yet. It is too soon after your break up, and there is absolutely no way that you will be able to be in the same room together, let alone have a reasonable conversation.

However, should you and your ex take some time to get over the break up, the argument, and the emotions that are causing you to be so angry right now, then you will have a much better chance of getting together peacefully to talk things over. Then, and only then, will you have a chance to try and get your ex back into your life again, and maybe succeed.

