Calculated, Holy, and Mild Flirting
At times your prospective Christian husband may not be bold enough to propose to you unless you encourage him with a mild flirting. If you have succeeded in making yourself a model of the first four qualities (Dedication with excitement, Good report, Zero pride, and Habit of receiving heartily without suspicion), chances are so high that you won't have the need to flirt because lots of godly men would have been running over themselves to win your affection by this time.
Stir him up...
But in case the particular man you've perceived by your spirit to be your husband is not fast enough to approach you with a definite marriage proposal, you may have to come out of your shell, and do some flirting.
Entice him with caution...
I'm NOT talking about flirting with your body or acting loose. I'm talking about making him see that you're deeply and genuinely interested in him. Two of the easiest ways to achieve that without appearing cheap or desperate are:
By cheerfully giving him your undivided attention whenever he calls on you - even if the call was just for less than a minute.
By making a habit of going to stay with him (confidently but uninvited) during suitable church activities and other public functions.
Know when to be the pursued...
You must be wise and highly sensitive when applying the second option. Even when everything appears as though you've really become friends, you still have to be sensitive enough to know when to slow down and let him be the man (that's do the chasing).
Every man needs to pursue his woman to 'win her hand' in marriage - your desired Christian husband is not different. He will feel like a hero if you would (tactfully) lead him to pursue you and then let him capture you after some time. But never allow your flirting to be too obvious or irritating. Be sensitive.