
Christian Husband - How To Attract Him Quicker And Make Him Beg You For Marriage Fast! (2)

Christian Husbands Want Good Report

I wish all the single Christian women would come to realize that attracting a charming Christian husband is not really as hard as it seems. In the last edition of this series I explained how dedication with excitement will help to announce you to him effortlessly. Today, I'm going to fulfill my promise to show you a powerful secret that will turn you into a fascinating angel, so your potential Christian husband will never judge you by your past!

Good report is what happens when other people begin to say nice things about you when you're not there. Sisters with good reports are the delights of every potential Christian husband. It's not hard to notice all emotionally secure brothers each wishing to be the privileged husband of a respectable sister. But the challenge is that many sisters are either new in their local churches or they think that they have such a terrible past and therefore must hide from everyone. In both situations, they are totally unknown in their church communities, and so they are without any reports.

It makes things easier for him...

Good report plays a very important role in captivating the attention of potential Christian husbands for many reasons. First the brother that announces his intention to marry an honorable sister won't have a hard time convincing others about the soundness of his wisdom. And with that kind of unanimous approval comes a feeling of well being that gives him a higher self-esteem - an exceptionally vital state of mind for becoming an exceptional companion.

It gives you angelic status...

Secondly, good report mysteriously makes you familiar to him and automatically eliminates most, if not all the prejudices and suspicions that would have been handy if he hasn't already heard lots of good things about you.

It's not that hard...

Good report doesn't have to come from your past. If you really get down to it, you can work out a sound positive image for yourself no matter where you are presently or what your past was like. In fact that's what dedication with excitement is designed to help you achieve right away.

You can create it...

All it takes to have a good report is a tireless and enthusiastic commitment to selfless services. Always pay attention to your thoughts and actions both within and outside the church. Make yourself known for reliability and integrity, and guard your new reputation with all you've got. Mind the type of friends you keep. Beware of hypocrisy and self-promotion. Before you know it, you'll hook up with the right Christian husband. I assure you of that!

Christian Husband - How To Attract Him Quicker And Make Him Beg You For Marriage Fast! (3)

Christian Husbands Love Zero Pride

I understand that we all need to show a good measure of confidence and high self esteem always. The only problem is that these good traits seem are often taken to the other extreme by many single Christian women. And that explains why many find it hard to attract the correct potential Christian husband.

If I'm to put it straight, then know that to gain his friendship you would need an attitude of...

Zero pride means being approachable to everyone. This is particularly crucial in church, if you ever want to attract a good Christian husband. Our Father - the almighty God whose core nature is love - doesn't see anything wrong in opposing the proud (James 4:6 RSV). Though many sons of God may find it hard to oppose pride like our Father does, but they certainly find it easy to run away from it.

You're like a super star...

You see, once you've got yourself a fair deal of good report circulating, your public image (at least within your local church community) will go up. Now that's really a very good development. But what you may not know is that your magnified status will give even the most confident brother a few strokes of self-doubt when he thinks of approaching you for a relationship. Many of them will rather send you emissaries than approach you personally. And worse still a large number of them (including those you really want) may hang around you for long and never muster enough guts to make their good intentions known to you.

They are scared of approaching you...

The only way to avoid this bottleneck situation is to make sincere humility a sizable part of your good report mix. And always make sure it's clearly noticed from a distance.

A sure way to make that happen fast is to practice the art of laughing out loud and heartily without appearing like a freak! It's true that our emotionally insecure society teaches us that to preserve our perceived dignity we must suppress our emotions. But you have to break that rule when you interact with people, especially those in your service group. Doing so will give you a vivid aura of innocence and simplicity. And everyone wants to be friends with a merry innocent girl!

Make them feel accepted...

In final analysis, humility is essentially about acknowledging your humanity. It's just about constantly reminding yourself that you can sure always be better than you are, but never better than anyone else. If you keep thinking like this always, you'll naturally become approachable to everyone. And that's just the only way to keep potential Christian husbands from running away from you!

Christian Husband - How To Attract Him Quicker And Make Him Beg You For Marriage Fast! (4)

The Habit of Receiving Heartily Without Suspicion

Want a Christian husband? Then learn to be more receptive. We have plenty of givers all around us. In fact giving and sharing seem to have become the most prominent foundational principles of the Christian faith. Everyone wants to 'out-give' the other. But rarely do you come across someone who truly knows how to receive.

It's most crucial...

Unfortunately, when it comes down to attracting the right Christian husband, knowing how to receive heartily without suspicion is the most crucial skill you'll ever need. To start with, men are naturally designed to give; while in complement, women are configured to receive.

Else he won't stay...

If you're always 'dedicated with excitement' in even the least assignments, he will notice you; if you have a 'good report,' he will find you fascinating; if you truly have a 'zero pride' lifestyle, he will be excited and bold enough to approach you; but unless you know how to receive him, (and from him) with joy and in good faith, he will hardly stay with you let alone proposing to you!

It's no big deal...

When he gives you a tiny complement by telling you how nice he thinks your hairstyle is, don't try to explain how cheaply put together the hairstyle really was, don't try to wonder whether he's flattering you, and don't even try to return the gesture. Just receive it with genuine gratitude and let it show.

Never take him for granted...

When he gives you a little honour by opening the door for you, he wants you to smile, wink, or genuinely pat him on the back just to let him know you've honestly received and appreciated his gift. Don't just be indifferent and act as though he's under some obligations to honour you. And by the way, how did you react the last time a strange brother suddenly smiled at you? Do you know if he's your link to your preferred Christian husband! In the next edition, I'll show you the final secret that will fire up your potential Christian husband and fast track your journey to the alter!

Christian Husband - How To Attract Him Quicker And Make Him Beg You For Marriage Fast! (5)

Calculated, Holy, and Mild Flirting

At times your prospective Christian husband may not be bold enough to propose to you unless you encourage him with a mild flirting. If you have succeeded in making yourself a model of the first four qualities (Dedication with excitement, Good report, Zero pride, and Habit of receiving heartily without suspicion), chances are so high that you won't have the need to flirt because lots of godly men would have been running over themselves to win your affection by this time.

Stir him up...

But in case the particular man you've perceived by your spirit to be your husband is not fast enough to approach you with a definite marriage proposal, you may have to come out of your shell, and do some flirting.

Entice him with caution...

I'm NOT talking about flirting with your body or acting loose. I'm talking about making him see that you're deeply and genuinely interested in him. Two of the easiest ways to achieve that without appearing cheap or desperate are:

By cheerfully giving him your undivided attention whenever he calls on you - even if the call was just for less than a minute.
By making a habit of going to stay with him (confidently but uninvited) during suitable church activities and other public functions.

Know when to be the pursued...

You must be wise and highly sensitive when applying the second option. Even when everything appears as though you've really become friends, you still have to be sensitive enough to know when to slow down and let him be the man (that's do the chasing).

Every man needs to pursue his woman to 'win her hand' in marriage - your desired Christian husband is not different. He will feel like a hero if you would (tactfully) lead him to pursue you and then let him capture you after some time. But never allow your flirting to be too obvious or irritating. Be sensitive.

Understanding the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

There are many benefits of prenatal yoga. These benefits will be felt by both the expectant mother and the unborn babe. As a soothing and relaxing exercise, yoga has long been known to treat the body in a gentle manner. There is no harsh bouncing here. Nor is there any urging to feel the burn in order to work to the next level. In fact, yoga is one of the few forms of exercise that is so flexible that its use has been adapted by a number of seemingly unrelated sports such as football and hockey.

For a mother and her unborn baby, however, the benefits of prenatal yoga mean that the mother's body is engaged in gentle stretching exercises. These exercises are designed to lengthen key sets of muscles that will be particularly needed during labor and birth. In turn, these elongated and stronger muscles help to ensure a smoother journey for the baby as it makes its entrance into the world.

Because the fact that there is no bouncing involved is one of the benefits of yoga, there is a much less likelihood that injury will occur to the mother's body. Yoga's gentle encouragement of stretches that are natural and flow with the body increase the feelings of relaxation and satisfaction. Yoga can be fully adaptable for all women regardless of the stage of pregnancy she is at. Each woman is encouraged to work only to a gentle stretch and not too push herself too hard. In addition, there are some poses that must be modified when practicing prenatal yoga so that key blood vessels or other necessary body parts are not compromised.

Clearly the benefits of prenatal yoga make it a superb choice of exercise for all prenatal women, regardless of their fitness level or weight. In fact, for women who are out of shape or overweight, practicing yoga while pregnant can make a huge difference in their comfort level while pregnant as well as their labor and recovery time after giving birth. For a gentle yet very effective exercise for almost any woman in any stage of pregnancy, prenatal yoga is a natural choice.

If You Make Contact Now, You Will Likely Blow Any Chance of Getting Your Ex Back - Find Out Why!

You might be getting told by your friends and family that you should make contact with your ex as soon as possible if you want to get your ex back. Please don't listen to them - this is honestly the worst advice that you can get right now, and you would be really stupid to follow it.

The last time that you and your ex were in contact was really ugly, wasn't it? You were having a really awful argument, and had absolutely nothing nice to say about each other. When you parted company, you swore that you were never going to talk to your ex again. You were absolutely furious with him/her, and were so happy to end the argument abruptly by walking out. At that time, there wasn't the remotest thought in your mind to try and get your ex back.

You just couldn't stand it anymore! You were shaking from head to toe you were so angry and upset, and loving your ex was the very last thing on your mind. This happened how many days ago? Isn't it true that you are just as angry with your ex right now as you were when you walked out? There is still probably nothing nice that you want to say to your ex yet, is there?

Well, the same applies to your ex. He/she is also really fed-up with you, and is still hurting by the things that you said to him/her. Also, you probably wouldn't like to hear what your ex has to say to you yet, so soon after the break up.

This is the very reason why you are being advised to NOT make any contact with your ex just yet. It is too soon after your break up, and there is absolutely no way that you will be able to be in the same room together, let alone have a reasonable conversation.

However, should you and your ex take some time to get over the break up, the argument, and the emotions that are causing you to be so angry right now, then you will have a much better chance of getting together peacefully to talk things over. Then, and only then, will you have a chance to try and get your ex back into your life again, and maybe succeed.

The Break Up Was Messy! Do You Really Want to Get Him Back in Your Life?

Your relationship had its ups and downs - more downs than ups though, until it came to a head and you broke up. There were many little arguments, almost daily in fact, but you always seemed to be able to fix them. Now, though, you had a really huge argument, and the relationship ended. Now you want to know how to get him back in your life.

If most of those little arguments that you had during your relationship were started by your ex, then he was obviously a controlling person. It sounds as if he wanted things his way, and if you didn't conform, then he would complain about it. Unless of course, it was little annoying things that you were doing or saying that caused the arguments.

These are all the things that you need to think about and analyze before making the decision to get him back in your life. If you and your ex were constantly clashing because of things that you were doing, then you need to think carefully about these things and how you are going to fix them.

If you love your ex and would like to get back together again, then you are going to have to be willing to change your ways and your attitude as well. It will be difficult, but if it means having a chance to get him back in your life, then it will be worth all the effort you put into it.

However, if most of the tiffs you had were caused by your ex not being happy because you were not doing something to his liking, then you might have an even more difficult decision to make. He is a controlling person who wants his own way most of the time and you need to decide whether you will be happy to be in this type of relationship or not.

In short, before you try to get him back in your life, you need to decide whether you love him enough to be willing to be his doormat again. In other words, you will be dancing to his tune all the time, and you will be getting back into a one-sided relationship again - is it really worth it?

Whether you are still together and having problems or you are already seperated and want to save your relationship... the next step is absolutely crucial!

Don't make the mistake of saying or doing something that will kill your chances of getting back together with your boyfriend. Find out what you need to do to save your relationship and emotionally reconnect with him again.


Anti Aging Face Cream - Tips

As we age, there is a change in the characteristics and ultimately the appearance of our skin. To make matters worse our daily routine accelerates this process. In order to seek the correct anti aging formula and more specifically the correct anti aging face cream one needs to understand what causes skin aging, what personal habits are accelerating this process, and what is missing in its nourishment.

The younger you are when you start caring for your skin the better for you!

Among the first and most visible sign of aging are the changes we notice to our skin that includes wrinkles and sagging skin. In an attempt to re-vitalise our skin, to get rid of those fine lines under our eyes and around our face and to look younger we all seek the correct anti aging face cream or more generally an a formula that actually works in retarding the ageing process.

There a various type of aging processes and causes of accelerated aging such as damage caused by ultraviolet radiation which damages the surface and middle layers of the skin and infra-red A radiation which damages the deeper layers (dermis / subcutaneous tissue). All these factors need to be taken into account when shopping around for an anti aging face cream. Another factor causing pre-mature aging of the skin, among other serious diseases, is long term smoking.

The rays of the sun are also responsible for causing damage such as fine lines and wrinkles, commonly know as Photoaging. The surface layers of the skin loose their ability to retain moisture and dry out causing the skin to easily blister and tear. With prolonged exposure the deeper layers (dermis) weakens and looses elasticity. Regular use of the correct anti aging face cream will not only prevent damage to the skin by may even reverse it.

To prevent accelerated aging of the skin or repair damage to the skin and for the implementation of a correct skin care program one needs to look at the total picture involving ones habits, nutrition and finally using skin protection such as sun screens moisturisers and treatments that rejuvenate skin. Skin changes are generally related to environmental factors, genetic makeup and nutrition. So its not all about buying the most expensive anti aging face cream and plastering it on every day of the year or walking around endless hours of the day with face masks or half the green grocer on your face. It's about understanding your problem and finding the correct solution.

So before you just rush out or rush on-line to buy an anti aging face cream take a minute and find out what it is you're looking for and what will help you.

Discover the Best Perfume For Your Skin Or Body Type

Of late, perfumes have become something very vital in people's live. For anyone to enjoy a day, a fragrance must be worn to feel confident and comfortable. Unfortunately people have different tastes about the kind of perfume they want for instance, there is spicy, floral and others may prefer fruity depending on one's preference. Because of the demand of this perfumes, many people have decided to start up shops selling these products and for those who cannot access the products in the malls, the internet is also available with all the different kinds of perfumes.

One thing I have realized about these perfumes is that they show the class you fall in. This seems like a joke but some products are too expensive and only suits stylish people who can simply affordable to purchase the products. Perfumes have choices and that is why you easily find slim girls wearing sweet fragrance, they believe that it is the only way to have men attract to them. If you have noticed, men prefer scents that are too strong and this has worked for them to have girls around them and some reaching an extent of buying Men colognes just to smell the scent of a certain guy. Besides all this, selecting the best perfume to use may become a problem, this is because there are many products on display and yet so beautiful and attractive.

Probably the only way to go through this is by following some instructions that can guide you to get something nice.The first thing to do is to have a sniff test; this is just to help you get the best scent and a perfume that lasts long. To get the really test, you can spray on the wrist and fingers but not clothes. Avoid sampling many fragrances because you may fail to choose something nice or become confused about the so many perfumes. There are samples put a side, these can be of help. It is always better to know which perfume suits your body or skin type. Once you have this in mind, you will get the best perfume.

To have the best results of this product, it is better to know when to use it. The favorable time is after a bath, it is believed that the body is fresh and it will just absorb the fragrance giving a long lasting scent. The best parts to dab the perfume include ears, neck, wrists as well as arms. Please take note, don't spray on clothes because you may stain them. Sometimes, the weather may determine the type of perfume to use. A nice perfume will definitely add value to your status and by the way, it can be the best present to give to a friend. Online has a variety of different kinds of perfumes at an affordable rate, therefore don't hesitate go get a sweet fragrance that will attract many people.