
Can see become blind

This passage is a very great dialogue, a born blind, there is no position of high status with a group of people, well-read Law of the Pharisees dialogue, in which the secret place, that is actually against the blind see Jesus the Son of God, opening the eyes of all but invisible, has become spiritually blind.

Life sleeping in the same spirit as the blind, completely invisible God, they see only a material world, only to see themselves, because they are god of this world blinded, can not let the glory of the Gospel of Christ light of their (Cor 4). Therefore, Jesus said: "can see become blind!"

Unfortunately, there are still many believers today, as if, like the Pharisees, have a lot of spiritual knowledge, but the spiritual eyes are blind, or biased point of view with his Jesus, that Jesus is not acceptable Christ, you can light his life, can change the facts and the charge of his life.

Brothers and sisters, in your life, you feel dark? Felt the need this Jesus? As long as you own all the way down, open your heart, let the light of Christ to your life, you will see the Christ, is real in your life work.

